Friday, January 25, 2013

The Dogwood Bark's Top 100 Songs Of All Time - #95: Belle & Sebastian - "Another Sunny Day"

Belle & Sebastian - The Life Pursuit (2006)

"Another sunny day, I met you up in the garden.  You were digging plants; I dug you, beg your pardon."

Beloved Scottish duo Belle & Sebastian have firmly secured their place among my all-time favorites.  Their style has evolved over the years, trading in the Nick Drake inspired folk for sunshine pop along the way.  "Another Sunny Day" clearly comes from the later period.  Despite its warm title and jangly, driving rhythms, the subject matter paints the typically dark picture of the stages of dying love.  It's a tale told over and over again in pop music.  Belle & Sebastian just do it better than almost anyone.

The video just screams of hipster aesthetic, but this group has always attracted the black-rimmed glasses with beanies in the summer type of crowd.  If you start to suffer from cuteness overload, just close your eyes.  The cascading harmonies used so effectively throughout will reel you back in.

100. Pixies - "Where Is My Mind?
99. Bloc Party - "This Modern Love"
98. Paul McCartney - "Too Many People"
97. Liz Phair - "Explain It To Me"
96. Neil Young - "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere"

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